What is the administration? The administration feature allows you to manage your own users and email domain(s). Your credit will handle payments and renewals.
How to use administration? Go to Settings, and then Administration.
Add a sufficient amount to your credit, depending on the number of users you wish to create and the price of each subscription.
If you wish addresses on your own domain name: add it in Settings > Messages > Email domains. If these addresses are already in use on another server, validate domain ownership, but don't go further before creating the email addresses in Mailfence email sicura.
Create your users, their email addresses and, optionally, their alias(es).
Create the necessary groups and add users to them.
Your subscription sets the maximal number of accounts and of free accounts you may create. It also sets the maximal number of domains that you can have.
Create a user In the users list, click on Add a user.
Enter the last name and the first name
Choose a username
Enter an email address on one of your domains or on the Mailfence email sicura domain. You can create any email address on one of your domains, except for abuse@yourdomain.com which is managed by Mailfence email sicura. By default, support@yourdomain.com and postmaster@yourdomain.com automatically redirect to your own email address. You can create an alias in your account for these. If you wish that one of your users receive the mail sent to support or postmaster, create an alias in their account.
Choose a password that you will communicate to the user.
Eventually, choose a subscription. Depending on the chosen subscription, you might need to top-up your credit.
Users' personal data When you create a user, you enter only their last and first names. More personal data can be entered such as external email address, cell phone number, post address, birthdate, photo, etc. It is recommended to add an external address (ie: of which Mailfence email sicura is not the mail server): it will enable the user to reset their password, receive notifications, etc.
To view or update a user's personal data, select him/her and click on More details next to the name in the right part of the screen.
Users can also update these data themselves.
Change the subscription Select the user and click on Change subscription. The change is taken into account immediately, provided your credit is sufficient.
Users may not change their subscription themselves.
Change the password Select a user and click on New password. Inform him/her of the new password. Users may change or reset their password themselves.
Aggiungi un alias Seleziona un utente e clicca su nella sezione Email. Puoi creare tanti alias quanti ne permette l'abbonamento dell'utente.
Eliminare un alias Seleziona un utente, passa il cursore sopra l'alias e clicca sull'icona di eliminazione.
Disable an account An account can be completely disabled: the user won't be allowed to log in anymore and new incoming emails will be refused.
Select the user and click on Disable account.
Abilita un account Un account disabilitato può essere riabilitato cliccando su Abilita un account.
Elimina un account Puoi cancellare un account solamente se prima è stato disabilitato Attenzione: questa operazione non può essere annullata.
Seleziona l'utente e clicca su Elimina account.Il valore rimanente dell'abbonamento non ancora utilizzato verrà aggiunto al tuo credito.
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